Lucky Cloud, Your Sky

Sean Higgins — Food Writer, Blog Celebrity. Blogorati.

Welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere!

I have a review up at Lizzy Youle’s Food Blog of a meat pie.

At Ghost Island we are currently constructing an online chz-yr-own adventure novel. We took a map and are treating it like a map of Ghost Island, and then playing a game of literary chess with it, by responding to other people’s challenges and then setting our own. It’s collectively insane but, I think, really fun. We are going to self-publish a physical version of it once we get everything together, if anyone is interested in purchasing said book, I’m sure it won’t be too expensive. Check it out, it’s a few posts down, we are nearly done with about 1/3 of the map.

Here is pictorial evidence of how cool the choose your own adventure will be:

